Friday, December 29, 2023

Buy PONNANGANNI Keerai | Alternanthera sessilis | Firoz Chuttipara

 If you eat ponnanganni spinach, you will not get the disease of piles and it will help to improve your eyesight.

Firoz Chuttipara, who cultivated Ponnankanni, gives Ponnankanni kira to Minister P. Prasad..  Firoz Chuttipara, a farmer and YouTube blogger, is involved in a new venture related to farming. He has undertaken the task of cultivating Ponnankanni Keera in every household

Firoz Chuttipara, who cultivated ponnanganni, gives ponnanganni kira to Minister P. Prasad.. 
Firoz Chuttipara, a farmer and YouTube blogger, is involved in a new venture related to farming. He has undertaken the task of cultivating ponnanganni Keera in every household.

Feroze says that while we are busy talking on our phones, cultivating ponnanganni spinach will restore health for all. He says that the cataract should disappear completely. It is said to be a permanent solution to acne. If you fry ponnanganni spinach in ghee as usual upperi is made, the mole will disappear.

Feroze says that while we are busy talking on our phones, cultivating ponnanganni spinach will restore health for all. He says that the cataract should disappear completely. It is said to be a permanent solution to acne. If you fry ponnanganni spinach in ghee as usual upperi is made, the mole will disappear.

Buy ponnanganni cheera

Website Link :-
Ponnanganni Cheera Dwarf Copperleaf Spinach (Alternanthera sessilis) Medicinal Live Plant
Those in need of Ponnanganni can contact the Whatsapp number for sulphur at: +919400589343.
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